What is High Cholesterol?
Cholesterol is a substance that is found in all our bodies. It is a waxy substance, which needs to build healthy cells. However, high levels of cholesterol can lead to heart diseases due to fatty deposits in the blood vessels causing blockages. This makes the arteries unable to transport blood easily. Sometimes these waxy deposits break away suddenly and form bigger clots, causing strokes or heart attacks.
If the blood isn’t allowed to flow easily, it can also cause a stroke, coronary heart disease, angina, mini heart attacks also called transient ischaemic attacks, peripheral arterial disease, heart failure and vascular dementia. Although high cholesterol can be genetic or inherited, it can also be caused by unhealthy lifestyle choices. The good news is that, it is easily maintained and can be managed with a healthy lifestyle and physical activity with medications.
There are a number of factors that can cause high cholesterol which are:
• Smoking
• Excessive drinking of alcohol
• Having too much saturated fats and red meat in your diet
• Lack of physical activity
• Obesity or being belly-heavy
• Genetics, which is also known as Familial hypercholesterolemia
• Underactive thyroid glands
• Type 2 diabetes
• Kidney disease
• Liver disease
• Some medications
• Old age with damaged arteries
• Being male increases risk of high cholesterol
• Being of South Asian background
High cholesterol has no obvious symptoms. It can only be diagnosed with the blood test. It is advisable to get your blood work done from 9-11 and then from 17-19 years.
Diagnosis and Treatment
The doctor may prescribe a complete blood work to diagnose if you have high cholesterol also called lipid panel or lipid profile which investigates the level of:
i. Total cholesterol levels
ii. Triglycerides
iii. LDL cholesterol
iv. HDL cholesterol
It is advised not to drink or eat anything other than water for at least 9-12 hours before taking the test. The doctor can educate you about the normal range for these cholesterols in the body depending on your age and body weight. Here are some treatment options for patients with high cholesterol.
• Statins such as Atorvastatin, fluvastatin, lovastatin, pitavastatin, pravastatin, rosuvastatin and simvastatin
• Bile-acid binding resins cholestyramine, colesevelam, and colestipol injectable medications PCSK9 inhibitors. For people with genetic disorders, the doctor may prescribe Alirocumab and evolocumab
• Cholesterol absorption inhibitors such as ezetimibe For triglycerides, you may be prescribed with:
• Niacin
• Omega-3 fatty acid
• Fibrates fenofibrate and gemfibrozil
It is often easier to prevent high cholesterol than to manage it.
• Start by eating a low-salt, low carb and low fat diet.
• Avoid saturated fats at all costs
• Avoid processed food
• Eat a healthy diet with whole grains, vegetables, fruits, lean meats and fish and nuts
• Manage your stress accordingly
• Drink alcohol in moderation
• Quit smoking
• Exercise at least 5 times a week for 30 minutes or more
All these prevention tips can help you have a healthy heart and prevent you from having high cholesterol in the first place. As they say, prevention is the best cure.
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