Feeling itchy and uncomfortable down there? There are chances that you may have a yeast infection. Although no one really likes to talk about them or acknowledge them. But there are more than 75% women who experience at least one episode of vaginal yeast infection in their life span. So what is it really? The vagina is an organ that contains a healthy combination of bacteria and yeast, among which the growth of the bacteria lactobacilli is encouraged by estrogen. These bacteria not only help kill any unhealthy organisms in the vagina but also maintains a balanced pH level. However, when something tips that sensitive balance, a fungus “candida” can multiply exponentially and cause yeast infection. A vaginal yeast infection can cause itchiness, irritation and odourless discharge of the vulva and vaginal area. It is not a sexually transmitted disease but women who are sexually more active have a greater risk of developing it at some point in their life.
Here are some sure-fire signs by which you can determine if you have a yeast infection. If you notice any of these symptoms, contact your health care professional immediately.
• Pain or a burning sensation when peeing
• Feeling pain during sex
• Thick, odourless discharge, which is white in colour
• Swelling, redness and a burning sensation in the vaginal region and vulva which is the outer tissue in t female genital region
• Itchiness and discomfort
If you have any of these symptoms, it is better to talk to a doctor because many of these symptoms are also present in some sexually transmitted diseases and bacterial vaginosis. Therefore, it is imperative to get an accurate diagnosis for better treatment options.
What Causes a Yeast infection?
Here are some reasons due to which you can get a yeast infection:
1. Diabetes If your diabetes is not controlled and you are not on diabetic medication, there is an exponential increase of sugar in the mucus membranes of the vagina which can provide an ideal environment to the yeast infection bacteria to grow and prosper.
2. Hormones If you are on birth control pills, breastfeeding, pregnant or going through menopause, the sudden hormonal transformation can change the balance of bacteria in your vagina which can cause yeast infection.
3. Immune System Any immune system disorder or being HIV positive can weaken your immune system, causing yeast infection.
4. Antibiotics Although these drugs are a saviour when it comes to infection, they can also kill some good bacteria in your vaginal region that can lead to yeast infection.
5. Douches And Vaginal Sprays These products can change the pH balance of your vagina, due to which it is better to avoid them.
6. Sex Although it is not considered a sexually transmitted disease, having sex while having it increases the chance of passing it to your partner.
Treatment Options
Yeast infection has many over the counter treatment options such as antifungal ointments, creams and suppositories such as miconazole and clotrimazole. Applying that to the vaginal region can show results from 1-7 days. The doctor can also prescribe antifungal medication such as fluconazole. If you are pregnant, opt for creams instead of pills. If you have a weakened immune system or diabetes, you may get recurrent yeast infection, which may require you to get a longer treatment for recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis.
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